Jean Chisholm

This website is an incomplete archive and portfolio of Jean Chisholm

more information + CV︎︎︎


Notable Projects

︎︎︎ Conditions for Collaborations Researcher, Editor, and Designer, 2024

︎︎︎ Lheidli: Where the Two Rivers Meet: Decolonizing Cultural Safety Education Through Cultural Connections Researcher, Editor, and Designer, 2023

︎︎︎ Practicing Neighbourly Responsibility Facilitator, Editor, Designer and Contributor, 2022

︎︎︎ Place-Based Responsibility Context Paper Author, 2021

︎︎︎ Satellite x DESIS: A Five Month Residency for Emerging Artists and Designers Report and Archive Researcher, Designer and Contributor, 2020

︎︎︎ POOL: What can we learn when we find new ways to gather? Creator and Designer, 2020

︎︎︎ Micro-Care: Small Acts of Resilience for Living within the Earth’s Caring Capacity Researcher, Designer and Contributor, 2020

︎︎︎ Propositions for a Place-Based Practice: Implicating the Designer in Care and Relationality MDes Thesis Research, 2020

︎︎︎ Sticks, Ropes, Land: Confronting Colonial Practices in Public Space Design Researcher, 2020

︎︎︎ Float School: Pedagogical Experiments and Embodied Social Actions Designer and Contributor, 2020

The Hometown Project (Archive Coming Soon) Creator and Designer, 2013-2015

Jean Chisholm is a designer, researcher, and educator. She explores place-based design practices and community collaborations that work towards relational, ecological and equitable ways of living.